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HANGFA Robotics gateway to Europe
HFE is official importer and distributor for Chengdu Hangfa Robotics in Europe.

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Import & Distribution

HFE bv acts as the only and official import and distribution channel for Chengdu Hangfa products in Europe. The goods are received in Belgium (close to port of Antwerp) and transferred towards our agents.

Quality and CE

All products are directly shipped from China to Belgium to HFE’s central workshop where following process will take place:

  1. Quality check of the goods.
  2. General check for CE marking.
  3. Update documents in language of user.
  4. Update plans and CE conformity attest.

When the CE validation is ready the goods are transferred to it’s final user, being complaint with all CE-regulations.

Direct sales

HFE has a distribution network of dealers and delivers no direct sales. All requests will be transferred to one of our dealers.

Support & service

HFE has the possibility to deliver support & service on-site if needed.